About us

We are a small whanau owned and operated business located in the sunny Eastern Bay of Plenty

After many years of working across various fields Tony convinced Merekaha ( wifey ) of the opportunity that Quality Kennels would provide for them, the opportunity to work from home ( after years of working abroad/domestically ) to make a return to his very first trade, the trade that kickstarted his tradie career - fabrication and last but not least everymans dream - to be his own boss!

Merekaha on the other hand has alot to learn but for now makes a good kai and sweeps a floor pretty well

They have also enlisted the help of resident koro Nick aka Nicky knows for deliveries and other odd jobs. Count yourself lucky if you get to meet him, hes one of a kind and knows eeeeverything

Tony and Merekaha are extremely excited to be in business and very proud of the product they craft

Thank you for choosing Quality Kennels and in doing so supporting a whanau operated business


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